Bakken's Poker and Random Blog

Daily posts about poker and other random stuff.

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Location: Two Harbors, Minnesota, United States

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas weekend...was planning on playing lots of poker, but my brothers got the new XBOX 360, so instead of putting in a good solid 30 hours of poker, I prolly put in 30 hours of XBOX 360 and 3 hours of poker, lol.

The weekend started with me doing some last minute christmas shopping. I must've seen at least 30 people from high school in the mall, and there were a few more that I didn't see that saw me and informed me later. I ended up going haywire with gifts at the mall, I got my mom a large bag a goodies from her favorite store, Bath and Body Works, and got my bros some XBOX 360 games. After, me and my bro went and saw the Chronicles of Narnia, I remember reading this book for school in like 4th grade and enjoying it, I also enjoyed the movie and would recommend it.

The following day, I woke up in the morning and did my workout, but I forgot to put my exercise ball away. My dog LOVES these balls and by the time I remembered she had already slayed the beast, grrr....I then decided to play a couple hours of poker and won about $550 in two hours; a decent session. I wanted to highlight a hand where my opponent got mad at me for outdrawing him. I picked up AA on the button, and made it $8 to go, two EP limpers called my raise. The flop was AK10 with two spades, I led out $20, trying to chase out any potential flush draws, the player UTG+1 made it $50 to go. I thought about how I could possibly extract any more chips from him, the only hand that beats me on this flop is QJ, and not many players would limp with this hand in EP, let alone call a raise with it, so I ruled QJ out. I figured he must have AK, 1010, or a flush draw, (he couldn't have the nut draw tho, because I had the ace of spades) so I decided to re-pop it, making it $130 to go. He immediately moves in for $250, so now there is $410 in the pot, and I have to call $120. Just shy of 4 to 1, now if he does happen to have me beat, I am only a 3 to 1 dog, so even if I KNEW I was beat this would be an incorrect fold at this point. I made the call and he did flip over QJ, but I got lucky and drew out to my fullhouse with a K on the turn. The guy that I outdrew goes off, starts ranting and raving about how I can put all my chips in on that, how I wasn't able to put him on the nuts when I had the second nut, that I was a horrid player and he was done giving me free lessons. I could go on and on about this, but i'll only say a few things, one, if you think a player is horrible and he outdraws you, don't get mad at him and let him know he did something wrong, treat it like a business, he's your customer, you must treat him nicely or else he may leave your business (poker table). This is a important thing I have learned in the past year, no matter how bad of a play a player makes and then outdraws you, you have to suck it up, be respectful and tell him/her nice hand. You must keep that player there as long as possible and being a dick isn't going to accomplish that. Two, I explained above why I didn't think the player had QJ, so I made a misread and it induced me to make a bad reraise and pot commit myself, therefore it was a HUGE -EV play for me and a LARGE +EV play for my opponent. Yet, he still gets mad that I didn't fold this. Wouldn't you be more than happy to get a little less than even money being a 4 to 1 favorite???? Of course you would, yeah it sucks getting outdrawn in a $500 pot, but you're going to see profit from that play in the long run, another reason not to get pissed at your opponent. Last thing, I could see if I made some horrendous play where I was drawing to runners or a 4% shot and hit it, but I had the second nut, on a board where I figured the nuts to be highly unlikely, so I essentially considered it the nuts. If you are going to get mad at players for making a call with the second best possible hand and then getting outdrawn, you simply shouldn't be playing this game. Players these days have no respect for their opponents or the game and they all think they're the greatest the game has seen. Getting pissed does nothing but maybe make your opponent, who otherwise wouldn't know, he made a mistake, and put yourself on tilt, which is -EV. Well, I am done ranting about that, onto the rest of my Christmas weekend.

Christmas Eve we opened presents and I got a bunch of good stuff as usual, including Call of Duty 2 for the XBOX 360. Me and my bro Christian played this game quite a bit, and I just couldn't beat the little punk, I was getting pretty frustrated, even when I was sitting behind the MG42 throwing an onslaught of bullets at his position to pin him down, he'd just throw a bunch of grenades in a prayer and one of them would hit me, ARG! On Christmas Day I went to the movies with the rest of the family, Christian and I went to Wolf Creek and Stefan and my Mom went to Narnia. Wolf Creek sucked, the whole movie was boring. It had a good premise, but there was just too much himhaw and not enough action or suspense, all in all, I wouldn't even rent it when it comes out to DVD if I were you. So that was my weekend, I played about 2.5 hours of poker and made roughly $850, not a bad hourly wage. I will be coming back to Two Harbors this Wednesday through New Years to visit my buddy Dan who will be coming to visit from Vegas. I hope to get together with some other friends too, but we'll see how busy I am, and how busy they're as well. Well don't get too SOBER this New Years! ;-P

I am in the process of designing the first annual FCP Classic, it should be finalized sometime this week, so keep your eyes posted here and Full Contact Poker for details...


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