Bakken's Poker and Random Blog

Daily posts about poker and other random stuff.

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Location: Two Harbors, Minnesota, United States

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Well, I havent written a blog in ages and it has helped me tremendously with stress in the past. As far as things are going for me, they couldnt be more stressful, poker is a roller coaster as always, ill win $1000, then lose $500 the next two days, but I can honestly say I am not playing my best right now. Sure when im in a good mood I play great, patiently and selectively aggressive, making proper reads, the style I have shaped over many many hands and years of playing that fits me and shows very good profits, BUT, when I am in a bad mood about something, I seem to take more beats and in turn it puts me on tilt and then I dump chips... I lost $600 today, and probably dumped off $400 of it...just stupid stupid calls playing omaha, and I really need to clear my mind and conscious of everything when I play, because ultimately, this is a business, and I need to treat it so and concentrate solely on playing my best at all times.

I am at a point in my life where I am not sure what I am gonna do, things in my personal life are not as good as they used to be, and I am spending more money, as usual, then I would like and I am taking steps to remedy that situation. Its not like it kills me to spend money, as I always have more, its just that is money that I could be using to play higher limits and in turn make more money playing poker. Since I am now only working at the golf course twice a week, I really need to get back into the swing of playing multiple tables for eight to ten hours a day, because that is simply the best way to combat the mathematical variance of the game...playing tons of hands/hours.

I also need to do some other things to improve my mood all together like I used too, ie working out, not thinking negatively about everything, being productive. What pretty much everything stems to, is I am negative about way too much. I have had bad things happen to me my entire life, so there is a reason I am negative about a lot, but its almost as if I am drawing bad things to happen to me by thinking so, and I NEED to change my frame of mind in order to excel in all aspects of my life. It is just really so-so hard to do so when thats the way you have been your entire life. It stems all the way back to my shortcomings playing youth hockey, to as recent as my thrashings of bankrolls.

Well, I guess thats all I have for now, just writing my thoughts down for my own personal satisfaction to reinforce to myself what I need to do, back to the grind.



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