Bakken's Poker and Random Blog

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Location: Two Harbors, Minnesota, United States

Friday, March 24, 2006

It's quite astounding how this brutality continues to ensue. I am now almost positive I am going to have my first losing month in three years!!! I am down $500 since I switched sites and just cannot get a hand to either holdup or else I have the second nut, run into the nuts. Take tonight for instance, I decided to drop down to $.50/$1.00 NL to ride out the rest of the downswing, but it didn't matter. I doubled up early when a plyer pushed in against my quads (pretty much the only way I can win is with the stone cold), then probably an hour later when I think things are going somewhat normal and steady, the dirtiesness hits. I played A2 of diamonds from the button, and got min raised by the small and the big folded. I was pretty sure this player didnt have aces or a pair for that matter as he seemed to like to cold call with those hands, or else just move in with them, so being the good price I was getting I saw a flop. 258 rainbow, a very good flop for me I believe, I fire $20 into the $15 pot, to try and shut him out then, but he called. Normally that call would make me stop betting, but not against this player, I knew he only had a couple of overs, or was at least 90% sure. So the turn is a great card for me an Ace, giving me aces up, and hopefully giving my opponent top pair. I proceeded to bet, and he moves in, SAWEET!, I instacalled and he showed AK. Well wouldn't you know the King falls on the river. Normally I dont complain at all about beats, but god damn, a fucking month of this shit is unbearable. It also doesn;t help that this was the ONE month I did not need to be running bad. I think jesus may hate me, (inside joke) this is one of those times in my life where I feel absolutely everything that can go wrong; will, I feel like the only way things could be worse was if I was living on the street. Lets go through the list, My truck breaks down, $600, there goes my saved rent money, I am running like shit, my rakeback got fucked up last month, and is again screwed up and payment is delayed, I haven't found a job yet, I don't know how I am going to pay for my bills this month, I can't go back to school for awhile, my student loans come out of deferrment next month, here's the best part; When I do get a job, i'll be scraping by, dropping every penny I have into bills and groceries, but thats why I have poker for a nice part-time job, oh wait, my fucking bankroll is probably going to bills this month, unless I go on a heater, which seems impossible at this point.

So there ya have it, I am just loaded to the brim with stress, and the chain of events just continues to get shittier and shittier, I fully expect to get into an accident when I pickup my truck and be hospitalized, because that would make perfect sense, being as I only have minimum coverage on my truck and no health insurance. I stuck between the biggest rock and a hard place, I am not sure how I am going to recover from this one, but I guess we'll find out, ah the adventures of life, how much they suck sometimes. I am going to go out on a limb and say if I knew this was gonna happen, I would've stayed in MN for at least a few more months, to pad the bankroll a little more. It would've been nice of our apartment complex telling us about the $3500 to move in, before we got here, that was the beginning of it all. Ack, I am just gonna stop complaining and figure it out like I always do, I just hope when I do find a job, that 1) I dont have to keep it very long 2)I'll have at least a little bankroll left to play with. Wish me luck with going back to this gay job thing.



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