Bakken's Poker and Random Blog

Daily posts about poker and other random stuff.

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Location: Two Harbors, Minnesota, United States

Thursday, April 06, 2006

It's official, I am done with poker for quite sometime, at least on this fucking website pokerworld. I have ran absolutely hideously for 5 of 6 weeks that I have played there. Something has to be fucked with the software there, because there is no possible way I could've ran this bad for 30,000 hands without making donkey moves, and I havent made any donkey moves to cost me $3000. It just isn't possible, I am a winning player, it has been proven, I lost my last $1000 in the last three days, on a god awful streak again, losing countless $100-$300 pots on anything from 2 to 5 outters, I even lost a $600 pot with AA vs QQ money got in preflop, and of course he flops fucking quads. You figure you can only be at rock bottom for so long, but I have been here for awhile and I see no light. Its pretty funny how when I look back at previous blogs, they didnt start getting really negative until I started playing on this godforsaken website called pokerworld. Whats worse, is I can't find one fucking thing to write about that is positive. I truly hate online poker, but unfortunately I didn't have a big enough bankroll to play live for a living, the things that happen online just don't seem real, not to mention I hate staring at a fucking computer screen and not being able to get a read on people.
I am so frustrated and mentally drained right now, I dont even have a good time drinking anymore I have been so stressed out. Tomorrow, I am TPC of Summerlin and Buffalo Wild Wings to try and get a job for real this time, I have no more reserve funds, I am flat broke. I dont even enjoy playing poker online, I dont hate it, but dont enjoy it, except for big tourneys, but unfortunately online is the hell I must go through if I want to build a bankroll. I am so disheartened and depressed that I have to get a job, at least I wont have to pay taxes on poker now, and i'll be able to gain my residency and go back to school. I was looking forwardto my Old Man coming to town, but now I will prolly have to work and will have no money to do anything anyway, I never thought I'd say this but I wish I never left Minnesota until I was 21.



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