Bakken's Poker and Random Blog

Daily posts about poker and other random stuff.

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Location: Two Harbors, Minnesota, United States

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Time for an update and another rather emotional blog, well not emotional, but i'll be telling everyone exactly what I think on some topics i'd normally keep to myself. First and foremost, I am working now, and actually I have been so freaking bored I actually like it. I work with dogs which rules, and I work 15 hour shifts overnight which also rules, because I am there by myself and can do what I want when the pups go to sleep.

I have also been staked by a website for very small stakes and will be playing that occasionally to get my bankroll backup, I WON't be playing much hold'em, it'll mostly be Omaha 8/OB and 7 stud. I have simply gotten sick of playing hold'em and am going to take a long break from it.

I am pretty stressed at the moment for a few reasons, some I have known about for quite some time and others have just been realized. Number one reason, and usually the reason for most my stress, being broke. I am behind on almost all bills, and it is going to take a few months to get back into the black, which sucks, but I am going to buckle down and do it. The number two reason, I really miss my family and friends, I have just recently come to the realization that family and friends are more important than anything, I didn't realize back when I had it all in my life, money, family, friends, etc. I miss smoking ceegars with my uncle and old man, I miss playing games with my cousins, I even miss my freaking aunt's nagging. I miss my dogs, cats, mom, even my friggin brothers. I miss drinking with all my buddies from Ferris, it really sucks, I was planning on doing a lot of traveling this summer, back to MN and MI to visit family and friends, but poker decided to fuck me in the ass with no lube, once again, sigh.

My plans for the next few months will be too work my ass off, the sooner I get back up to $10K, the sooner I can quit my job, I want to be able to quit at least one job by September, maybe go back to school and stuff. I'm hoping to make it back to MN for my cousins wedding next month, but that may not fit into my schedule too well, i'll have to see. Right now I am not too sure whether I like living here in Vegas or not, i'll have too wait and see if I like it when I can actually start doing things and am not as stressed. This situation brings me back to the last situation that coined this phrase, "It is not your successes in life that matter, it's how you handle failure and face adversity that measures greatness." Anybody can get lucky and finish high or win a tournament for $100,000 or more, but it is much harder to have money, lose it, and then build it back up. While money is still important to me, I now see that friends and family are the most important thing in the world. Money comes and goes, but friends and family are there forever.
