Bakken's Poker and Random Blog

Daily posts about poker and other random stuff.

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Location: Two Harbors, Minnesota, United States

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A disgusting year for the Vikings, and it all boils down to Brad Childress. Its hard to tell if he's hamstringing his coordinators or not with his reputation, so i'm not sure if I would like Bevell fired as well. As for Frazier, i'm losing faith in his defensive scheme, but i'm willing to let him stay ( or even be head coach ) for at least two more years. I had my last straw with Chilly today when we were down by 21, at green bays 34 yard line, 4th and 11, with 3ish minutes left in 3rd quarter. Season is essentially over, you need to win out to have a chance at playoffs and somehow overcome this 21 point deficit. What does Chilly do? He kicks a FG!!!!! (which got nullified by another vikings hold ) What in gods green earth does a FG do for you there? I believe he cemented the termination of his position with that one play. He will go down as one of the worst coaches in the history of the Vikings and the NFL.

Now, onto the players....god where to even begin. Brett Favre has been absolutely awful, but you know, he's old, a future hall of famer, almost brought us the big one last year, and has really had no time whatsoever because of our atrocious line, add in the fact that he was being hamstrung by Chilly/Bevell's terrible offensive scheme and it makes you wonder how the hell he did so much last year?

The O-Line-----GOOD GOD.....#1-Loadholt and MCkinnie are worthless, they both don't pass the eye test ( as PA would say ).....I just look at them and see scared, confused, idiots to be honest. Loadholt averages 1 holding and 1 false start a game, McKinnie blows blocking assignments left and right ( as does Loadholt ) and its disgusting. McKinnie needs to be shipped somewhere, i'm willing to give Loadholt one more year as he is still young and looked pretty promising last year. The only solid O-line guy we have is our LG Hutchinson, everyone else needs to be scrapped. Which brings me to another point, Mckinnie and Hutch both do a pretty good job run blocking, but yet whenever we have a 4th and 1, or 4th and short, Chilly hands the ball off to AP ( totally agree ) but he ALWAYS runs the play to the RIGHT side. WHY THE FUCK would you run to the horrible right side of our line??? Oh, I know why, cuz Chilly thinks he's being sneaky...this is his thought process: "Well they know i'm gonna give it to Adrian, but they will expect me to run it left, so i'm gonna go behind my shit right side and catch them off guard." Well you forgot one thing Chilly you dumbfuck, Loadholt gets stood up every fucking play no matter who is coming through!!!

Wide Receivers-Berrian is a waste of money, other than him, i'm fine with our surrent setup.

Linebackers-I LOVE our linebacking core, it doesnt get much more solid than Leber, Greenway, and E.J.

Secondary-The injury to Griffin was a huge loss and I can only hope his injuries dont destroy his career and he is one of my favorite defensive players. A healthy griffin and your looking at Griffin and Windfield, with Cook and Allen doing some nickelback work and filling in some outside coverages...not too bad by me. Now we get to my favorite, the, this is a cluster fuck here. Abdullah I have actually been pretty pleased with, not good, but not terrible like Tyrell was. But, Madieu Williams needs to be gone, he is one of the most trash players on this squad.

Now that im almost done venting, I have one more point to make....our Unrestricted Free Agents:

Sidney Rice
Ray Edwards
Chad Greenway
Ben Leber
Ryan Longwell

I only listed the notables....but why wouldn't you try to extend these guys contracts last year after the good season just in case we have a horrible season or the players lose respect for Childress? This is another front office mistake and surely won't be able to resign any of these guys if Chilly is still the HC....even if Chilly is gone, I dont see us signing any of these guys but Longwell....maybe Leber and Greenway because of Frazier, but Edwards and Rice are probably "See ya in the Spring".

I'll leave you with this little gem in parting, and I apologize for my poorly written blog, im not a good writer.