Bakken's Poker and Random Blog

Daily posts about poker and other random stuff.

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Location: Two Harbors, Minnesota, United States

Wednesday, July 28, 2010 far, the 45 mans have not been cooperating lol. I'm running about 25 buy-ins under expectation according to HEM (Holdem Manager) and its been incredibly frustrating. So, i'm taking today and tomorrow off to play video games, drink and just chill out. The good news is ive only put in about 300 games and these type of downswongs are not uncommon in such a short time period.

I have the Agate City Classic golf tournament coming up in the first week of August and am really looking forward to this bitch. It'll be the first time ive played a competitive tournament in a long time, and two weeks ago I thought I had a very good chance to win it, was playing scratchish, but this last week the game decided to go bye bye, lol. I'll probably get back on the course middle of next week and do some tightening up of the swing and see if i can work out the kinks. Not only will it be hard to play good if im swinging bad, but the course is absolute SHIT this year. The sprinkler system has been broke since the beginning of the season and they still havent fixed it, so lots of dead, very hard greens. Its tough hitting approach shots and watching the ball catapult thirty feet into the air when it hits the green like its landing on fucking pavement.

I was lazy last week and wasnt eating as much as I shouldve been, and WHAMMO, i lost fucking eight pounds because of it, down to 158 FML. I better start eating six times, minimum of five times a day again, or else my fucking bunny rabbit metabolism is going to eat more weight away.

Goals for the rest of the year:
-Goldstar every month ( about 1500 games )
-Bankroll over $5000 by Dec 31st ( shouldnt be difficult, but seeing as I'm such a dipshit when it comes to bankroll management, it could pose problems, hence not setting a goal of 10k)
-Purchase multitabling software, this software ( cant remember the name of it ATM ) is fucking sick, it stacks all your tables for you and moves any table you have Voluntarily put chips into the pot into a gridded tile location, making multi-tabling more tables easier. This should increase my tables from 10-12 to 16-20 me thinks, which in turn equals more mobney per hour.
-Move back to Vegas ( This one may be a little lofty, I figure I need min of 10K, more comfortably 20K though, to move back out there, but I cant really handle this Two Harbors shit anymore, so 10K and a parttime job out there will suffice )
-Weight 170
-Crush the cash games and tournaments at Fall Poker Classic at Canterbury

Goals for 2011:
This list will grow, but for now its:
-Gain Supernova status on pokerstars, perhaps even Supernova Elite depending on how non lazy I am
-Play in two WSOP events, five HPT events, and maybe wander oout to New York for a few events at Turning Stone.

Thats all for now


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Wow, its been roughly two years since my last blog.....I havent really had much to blog about other than my impending doom in Vegas that sent me back to Mom's basement in MN. I've been here for a little over a year now and had not expected to be here for more than six months tops. But, as with most of my plans, they fall through, I havent really played poker much at all since ive been back, took me about four months just to find a job, and really havent been doing much of anything. I bet ive only played about 400 games of poker this entire time i've been back. Well, its time for me to stop getting lazy and start grinding again or i'll never get out of here.

I've started playing the 45 man turbos on stars to see if I can beat them, and my god, are these things a gold mine. I've only played about 200 games, and my ROI is 15% and ive been running pretty terrible (lots of variance in these turbos). Most of the players in these games have no concept of ICM ( Independent Chip Model ), shove/fold ranges/poker, and just a somewhat basic strategy for this tournies. One area I am having issues with is the final tables of these, the average stack has so few bets at the FT that it almost plays like a super turbo STT, with most players sitting on 5-8 BB's. I've been pounding the bubble like normal when in late position with roughly 50% of my raising range ( essentially anything better than Q7 , pairs, and most suited connectors ) and have been busting a lot in the 5th-9th range. For instance, i'll open shove on button with like a K8 ( plenty good to be shoving there ) and the SB or BB will wake up with some sort of decent Ace or a premium hand and i'll be sent packing or crippled. The FT's have so much variance, you can go from being a 2 to 1 CL to a 9th place finish in 2 hands. While, im running probably at around an ROI that is pretty standard for these through 200 games, I think I may be misplaying these FT's, maybe playing too aggressively. I've been watching videos and posting at twoplustwo to try and learn if im approaching these FT's right, since I am rather new to these. While I despise turbo tournies, I love how much volume I can get in, and theyre far easier to multi-table than the STT.

Anyway, i'm gonna TRY to keep this puppy updated once a week or so and hope it keeps me motivated to hit my goals every month so I can GTFO out of Minnesota and back to my beloved city of Vegas.

Goals for the month of August: 1500 games, 15% ROI, $1350 profit ( I know, I know, its a tiny amount but the bankroll is rather small and im trying to learn the proper strategy for this type of SNG MTT.) Frustrating that I used to make that in 10 days in rakeback alone and now I have to grind the fuck out of games to make it in a month lol, oh well, REBUILD TIME!!!!!

-Bakken out